About Norwood
Established and situated in central west Toronto, Norwood is an accredited 60 bed Long Term Care Facility serving the residents, physicians, and active treatment hospitals in the area.
Norwood was completely renovated and expanded in 1994. Our facility now includes a main dinning room with a baby grand piano, an activity room, hair dressing salon, elevator, a closed in patio, and both a TV lounge and sunroom on each floor.
Care Plans
A care plan is established for each resident by a team encompassing Norwood's medical, nursing, dietary, and activity departments, along with the involvement of the resident and their family. Care conferences take place within six weeks of admission and are reviewed on a yearly basis or as required. The care plans are continually modified as the resident's condition changes or as new information becomes available.
Menus are well thought out and planned by a dietitian and is approved though the Resident's Council. Modified therapeutic diets are available as determined by the physician, dietitian, and resident.
Residents are encouraged to use the dinning room, and room service is provided if required. Arrangements can be made for family or friends to join a resident for a meal.
Nursing Rehab/Restorative Care Program
Nursing Rehab/Restorative care focuses on completing tasks with the residents rather then completing the task for the resident. This program is aimed to promote independence and health by improving physical functioning and mobility, as well as maintaining cognitive functioning through the step by step process to build feelings of autonomy and self-esteem. These programs include group exercise, 1:1 walking/ foot peddler, door pulley, restorative dinning, dressing and grooming, active and passive range of motion, bed mobility, amputation or prosthesis care, eating/swallowing, and communication.
Recreation Services
The recreation department of Norwood is committed to providing quality, client centred care to residents which meets their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs in a home like environment. This process is delivered by a multi-disciplinary team with emphasis on maximizing the potential of each person and a commitment to quality improvement.
The recreation department believes in individualized care and understanding that each resident is a unique person. The goals of recreation are to promote self-esteem, self-worth and a sense of belonging for each resident and their families.
Recreational programs offered at Norwood
- Monthly Special Events
- Massage Therapy
- Bingo
- Socials
- Beauty Salon
- Arts and Crafts
- Omni Vision
- Travel Log
- Norwood Notes
Our regular visiting hours are from Monday to Friday 8 am to 9 pm. After-hours visitation is available under special circumstances.
Please reach out to our Activity Director if you have questions!
Email: activity@norwoodcare.ca
Phone: 416-535-3011 EXT 104
Palliative Care
Palliative care is an approach to care for people who are living with a life-threatening illness. The focus of care is on achieving comfort and ensuring respect for the person nearing death and maximizing quality of life for the resident, family and loved ones.
Palliative care interventions are implemented in consultation with the resident/family/POA in order to:
- Promote comfort.
- Alleviate the mental and physical discomfort of the resident at all times without emergency measures C.P.R. (continuous oxygen be considered a comfort measure to discuss with family and physician)
- Provide emotional comfort to the resident. Ensure company is available for the resident.
- Provide the means for our terminally ill residents to have his/her spiritual, emotional and physical needs met.
- Encourage family or significant others to be involved with care and treatment.
- Allow residents to make choices about his/her care.
Residents Council
What is a Resident Council?
A Residents' Council is an independent, self-determining group made up of only residents of a long-term care home. The Council is intended and designed to form the collective voice of all residents who reside in the LTC home, whether or not they attend meetings. All residents have the right to participate in the Residents' Council. (Ontario Association of Residents' Councils, 2022).
Norwood looks to our resident council for approval on all our major events that are being held within our home. The resident council is hosted once every month where we go over the plans for the next month. The resident council covers any resident concerns in all departments or our home.
- A smoke free environment is enforced
- We conduct monthly fire drills during each shift.
- Norwood is a non-physical restraint facility. A "Wanderguard" electronic security system and behaviour modification programs are used to ensure resident safety.
Pastoral Care
At Norwood we have a pastoral care committee that works with each resident to provide their individual spiritual needs. We acknowledge all religions and accommodate any requests for spiritual care.
Currently we have a Father of the Catholic church attending to residents’ spiritual needs once a week. We hope we can start to bring in more faith-based programs soon.
For more information on pastoral care please reach out to our Activity Director.
Email: activity@norwoodcare.ca
Phone: 416-535-3011 EXT 104

Various Church Services
Occupational Therapy
Dental Clinic
Portable X-Ray
Portable Ultra-Sound
Eye & Ear Clinic
MDS Laboratory
ET Wound Consultant
Escort Services
Psychiatric Geriatric Outreach
Linen Services
Cleaning Services
Volunteer Services